
The U.S. OCDC and its members will co-sponsor the international track at this year’s Cooperative IMPACT Conference, October 4-8, 2021.

The U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council and its members are pleased to co-sponsor the International Track at this year’s Cooperative IMPACT Conference, October 4-8, 2021. This is a free opportunity to learn how cooperatives around the world are innovating for impact, strengthening communities and building resilience in the face of climate change.

Opening session speakers on October 4th are:

– Ariel Guarco, President, International Cooperative Alliance
– Karl Fickenscher, USAID Acting Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation
Paul Hazen, Executive Director, U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC)
– Alex Serrano, Senior Vice President of International Programs, NCBA CLUSA

October 5th the international programming track focuses on entrepreneurship as the core of cooperatives’ identity with speakers, videos and a panel discussion with cooperatives from Kenya, Lebanon and Canada.

October 6th will highlight climate change and the intersect of cooperative values for present and future generations. Speakers include:

– Rebecca Carter, Acting Director, Climate Resilience Practice, World Resources Institute
– Ann Vaughan, Senior Advisor, Climate Change, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, USAID
– Frank Bergh, Senior Off-Grid Engineer, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

In addition to these speakers, there will be a panel discussion moderated by Vernon Oakes with cooperatives from Mexico, India, Brazil and Madagascar represented.

The theme for October 7th is cooperative principles in practice for stronger communities, with esteemed speakers,

– U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Chair, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
– Mileydi Guilarte, Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID, Latin America Bureau
– Alicia Barcena, Executive Secretary, Economic Counsel for Latin America and the Caribbean

Two panel discussions will focus on engaging youth and cooperatives as effective tools for inclusive community development. OCDC’s International Co-op Innovation and Champion awards will be presented before the conference concludes.

The Impact Conference sessions begin at 8:30am and conclude at 10:00am EDT, except for Thursday which will conclude at 12:00pm EDT. These sessions will be available in English and Spanish.

Registration for the International Track Session is FREE if you select “International Sessions Only” under Registration Type. Click here to view the detailed agenda.

Register here:  

Unable to attend?  After the conference the sessions will be made available for viewing on demand at your convenience.