
2012 – ACDI-VOCA Gender Analysis, Assessment and Audit

May 17, 2021

Description. The purpose of this toolkit is to provide guidance to ACDI/VOCA staff and consultants on how to conduct gender analysis studies, assessments and audits. It is intended for individuals who are either commissioning or leading the gender study. The toolkit provides useful tools and methods for these studies, and guidance on how to operationalize a study from start to finish. Many of the tools presented, such as baseline studies or market assessments, can be easily integrated into other studies. This manual includes materials and tools that have been drawn directly or adapted from materials produced by others. Source materials are cited throughout the document and in the bibliography at the end of the manual.

This manual has four sections. The first three describe the three phases of gender analysis studies, assessments, and audits:

  1. Preparing for gender studies;
  2. Conducting fieldwork;
  3. Analyzing, validating, and reporting data in a way that translates gender study findings into action.

The fourth section is a series of annexes with a number of user-friendly gender study tools.

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