Training and Tools

2017 – The UN Women Gender and Economics Training Manual

May 17, 2021

Description. The manual introduces participants to economics in general and presents feminist approaches to macroeconomics, microeconomics and international economics. It exposes participants to critical analyses of global and regional economic trends, including those related to economic crises. The manual also enhances the skills of participants in formulating gender-responsive economic policy for program implementation, policymaking, and advocacy, and strengthens the capacity of participants to network with other development practitioners, scholars and policymakers.

The training course is divided into nine modules

Module 1: Introduction to Economics

Module 2: Introduction to Gender-aware Economics and Methods of Analysis

Module 3: Gender and Macroeconomics

Module 4: Unpaid Work

Module 5: Employment, Decent Work and Social Protection

Module 6: Gender, Income Inequality and Poverty

Module 7: Gender, Public Finance and Investing for Gender Equality

Module 8: Gender, Trade and Value Chains

Module 9: Economic Policymaking and the SDGs: How to Reach the Goals.

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