
Inclusive Insurance: Closing the Protection Gap for Emerging Customers. A joint report from the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion and the Institute of International Finance

May 23, 2022

Emerging consumers present a promising market for inclusive insurance, and creative insurance companies have been developing promising models to reach this market for years. Since the 1990s, the microinsurance movement has demonstrated the benefits of insurance for low-income people, as well as exploring new business models to serve these customers profitably in frontier and emerging markets. Microinsurance pioneers, as well as social insurance programs, targeted customers in the informal economy who were underserved by mainstream commercial insurance. Microinsurance models matched their premiums and benefits to the needs of these groups. Today, inclusive insurance expands this market and product-development work to all those who have not been served by traditional insurance, including the lower middle class, while retaining a particular emphasis on vulnerable and low-income populations.

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