
O’Donahgue et al. Moving Youth Participation Forward

FIVE YOUTH from the San Francisco Bay Area recently joined twenty-five other young people and over one hundred adults at an international conference on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. “It was the most un-youth-friendly place,” explained one young woman. “Every day we woke up early and spent hours listening to adults lecture about the experiences of youth. There was no time for us to talk to anyone, no time to move around, and when we tried to tell them about our feelings, they didn’t really listen. Nothing really changed—until the last day when we finally got to do our presentation. One of the adults tried to come up and facilitate our question-and-answer period, and we just said, ‘No, thank you. We’re prepared to do this for ourselves. Sit down please.’ I don’t think the adults really got it until then.” Read The Research