
Our Team


Committed to building a more just and prosperous world through cooperatives.

Paul Hazen

Executive Director, OCDC

LuAnn Werner

Deputy Executive Director, OCDC

Negin Shakibi

Chief Financial Officer

Barbara Czachorska-Jones, PhD

Learning and Training Manager, ICRG

Rebecca Savoie, PhD

Senior Researcher, ICRG

Sylandi Brown, MA

Communications Manager, ICRG

Brian Warby, PhD

Senior Researcher, ICRG

José Eguigure-Castillo, MPA

Senior Research Translation and Application Manager, ICRG

Marsha Lutz


Kevin J Wiedmann

Procurement Associate

Jim Bond

Legislative Consultant

Justin Franks

IT Consultant, ICRG

Board Members

Cheryl Turner

Executive Vice President of Technical Learning and Application, ACDI/VOCA

Dan Waddle

Senior Vice President, NRECA International

Pahoua Hoffman

SVP, Government and Community Relations, HealthPartners

Greg Sommerville

Vice President, Global Procurement, Frontier Co-op

Alex Serrano

Senior Vice President for International Development, NCBA CLUSA

Dary Goodrich

Chocolate Products Manager, Equal Exchange

Alan Isaac

Program Director – Program Management, Land O’Lakes Venture37

Angelina Tracy

Vice President of Strategic Growth and Partnerships, World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU)

Alberto Wilde

Chief Global Programs Officer, Global Communities

Blaize Dankers-Donnay

Director of Member and Cooperative Engagement, GENEX and AgSource within URUS Group