Committed to building a more just and prosperous world through cooperatives.
Paul Hazen
Executive Director, OCDC
Judith A. Hermanson, PhD
Director, ICRG
LuAnn Werner
Deputy Executive Director, OCDC
Negin Shakibi
Chief Financial Officer
Barbara Czachorska-Jones, PhD
Learning and Training Manager, ICRG
Rebecca Savoie, PhD
Senior Researcher, ICRG
Sylandi Brown, MA
Communications Manager, ICRG
Brian Warby, PhD
Senior Researcher, ICRG
José Eguigure-Castillo, MPA
Senior Research Translation and Application Manager, ICRG
Marsha Lutz
Kevin J Wiedmann
Procurement Associate
Jim Bond
Legislative Consultant
Justin Franks
IT Consultant, ICRG
Board Members
Cheryl Turner
Executive Vice President of Technical Learning and Application, ACDI/VOCA
Dan Waddle
Senior Vice President, NRECA International
Pahoua Hoffman
SVP, Government and Community Relations, HealthPartners
Greg Sommerville
Vice President, Global Procurement, Frontier Co-op
Alex Serrano
Senior Vice President for International Development, NCBA CLUSA
Dary Goodrich
Chocolate Products Manager, Equal Exchange
Alan Isaac
Program Director – Program Management, Land O’Lakes Venture37
Angelina Tracy
Vice President of Strategic Growth and Partnerships, World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU)
Alberto Wilde
Chief Global Programs Officer, Global Communities
Blaize Dankers-Donnay
Director of Member and Cooperative Engagement, GENEX and AgSource within URUS Group