
2014 – IFAD; Strengthening Female Leadership in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives; Empowering women for better participation and decision making

May 17, 2021

Description. The materials contained in the training package will assist the trainer(s) in conducting the female leadership training program. The aim is to strengthen the competencies of existing female leaders, women office bearers and other potential women leaders in leading their respective farmers’ group and cooperative. The training should be able to provide necessary leadership skills and approaches. It should also help participants raise relevant leadership issues and challenges in their farmers’ groups and cooperatives and seek out practical solutions. Furthermore, this training should catalyze women members to take up leadership roles and bring about positive change not only in them but also in their groups and in the communities.

The training package has eight units:
Unit I : Introductory Session
Unit II : Gender in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives
Unit III : Understanding Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives
Unit IV : Leadership in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives
Unit V : Group Dynamics and Building Cohesion in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives
Unit VI : Participatory Decision-Making in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives
Unit VII : Communication in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives
Unit VIII : Conflict Management in Farmers’ Groups and Cooperatives.

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