
Young People and Cooperatives: A Perfect Match?

May 19, 2021
By International Cooperative Alliance

The report presents a number of practical examples of youth cooperation and identifies ways that engagement between young people and cooperatives can be improved. 420 responses from young people were collected and analyzed for the research, which surveyed both young cooperators and young people less familiar with the cooperative model. The five chapters, which can be read together or as stand-alone pieces, assess the survey results to establish how the cooperative movement, often in collaborative partnerships with other organizations, can do more to help young people address the challenges affecting them.

The work has the overarching goal of improving engagement between young people and cooperatives and providing actionable conclusions and recommendations, which are located in the latter sections of the report. This thematic research publication has been co-produced by all ICA regional offices with the support of the Co-operative College and input from the ICA Youth Network.

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