Sergio Reyes Lavega

Professor of Solidarity Economy, Cooperativism and Labor Relations, Argentina

Dr. Reyes holds a PhD in Law and Social Sciences from the Universidad de la República (UDELAR) in Uruguay, where he also obtained his law degree.

He is also a Notary Public. He has postgraduate studies in Business Management and Administration at the Catholic University of Uruguay. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Public Policy and Development at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina.

Dr. Reyes has served as a legislative consultant to the Uruguayan Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators. He drafted Uruguay’s General Law of Cooperatives No. 18.407 (2008), as well as Uruguay’s first Law of Social Cooperatives No. 17.798 (2006) and co-authored Uruguay’s Law of Social and Solidarity Economy No. 19.848 (2019).

He was President for 16 years of SURCO Cooperative Insurance Company, Secretary of Savings and Credit Cooperative ACAC for 10 years, and member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Uruguayan Confederation of Cooperative Entities (CUDECOOP) for 5 years.

Currently, Dr. Reyes has the following teaching activities: (i) professor of Solidarity Economy, Cooperativism and Labor Relations for the bachelor undergraduate courses in Labor Relations at the Faculty of Law; (ii) professor of History of Ideas at the same Faculty; (iii) professor in postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of UDELAR; (iv) professor of the legal module of the “Social, Community and Solidarity Economy” master’s degree program at the Universidad Nacional de Tres Febrero (UNTREF) in Argentina; (v) professor of the diploma course in Cooperative Management of CUDECOOP; and (vi) professor of Cooperativism courses at the Federation of Production Cooperatives of Uruguay (FCPU), where he is permanent Legal Advisor.

Dr. Reyes is the author of several books, articles and presentations and has been actively involved in the Uruguayan cooperative community in leadership roles within cooperatives and cooperative federations. He provides legal services to cooperatives related to law.