Event Details
The International Cooperative Research Group (ICRG), research arm of the U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC), recently hosted The Data is in! What do members say? A dialogue on COVID-19 and resilience with cooperative leaders in sub-Saharan Africa on April 27, 2023 at 9:00 AM EDT. In this webinar, the ICRG shared evidence-based insights from the recently published COVID Resilience Study, heard from cooperative members directly impacted by COVID-19, and explored actions that can be taken to strengthen cooperative resilience at the cooperative, community, and national levels.
Project Overview
This primary research was undertaken to identify the major challenges faced by cooperatives in sub-Saharan Africa during COVID-19, as well as strategies employed by cooperatives to mitigate adversities and whether and how cooperatives exhibited resilience during this period.
Through survey interviews and focus groups with rural, agricultural cooperatives in five sub-Saharan African countries, the ICRG collected current data and made comparisons across multiple factors related to cooperative operations against an existing pre- COVID baseline.
Event Video
Event Recording Now Available!
Event Speakers
Judith A. Hermanson, PhD
Director, ICRG
Meghan Fitzgerald
Senior Researcher
Timothy Bisakaya
OCDC ICRG Consultant, Kenya
Clare Pamela Atoo
Managing Director, Gulu Community Dairy FCS, Uganda
Maurice Mutisaya
Secretary, Kamaki FCS, Kenya
Sammy Asava
Organizing Secretary, Vision 4 Youth Housing Cooperative, Kenya
Event Agenda
Opening Remarks
Dr. Judith A. Hermanson, OCDC ICRG Research Director
Study Presentation
Dr. Meghan Fitzgerald, OCDC ICRG Senior Researcher
Local Voices Panel
Timothy Bisakaya, OCDC ICRG Consultant, Kenya
Clare Pamela Atoo, Managing Director, Gulu Community Dairy FCS, Uganda
Maurice Mutisya, Secretary, Kamaki FCS, Kenya
Sammy Asava, Organizing Secretary, Vision 4 Youth Housing Cooperative, Kenya
Key Takeaways
Sylandi Brown, Communications Manager, OCDC ICRG