
Reflecting with Gratitude and Planning for the Future: thoughts from Paul Hazen, OCDC Executive Director

In 2023, the global cooperative development community has been a source of inspiration for improving locally led development for better lives and better communities through cooperatives. I thank our OCDC members, partners and supporters for being part of our organization, whether partnering with OCDC’s International Cooperative Research Group (ICRG) on research, providing technical assistance to a cooperative, working on cooperative policy changes, providing enhanced member services to improve livelihoods or the plethora of other ways that our partners engage and connect with cooperatives globally. As I reflect on the impactful endeavors of our community in 2023, I am pleased to highlight some of OCDC’s achievements that have shaped the course of the year.

Looking forward to 2024, I am pleased to share that the OCDC Board of Directors has approved exploration of a new OCDC Associate Member category. We are hopeful to connect with Cooperative Development Organizations from around the world and continue to make OCDC the go to place for information, research and tools as we focus on our mission to Champion, Advocate and Promote effective international cooperative development.